The Brighton Marathon

Created by Helen Hancorn 24th December 2010 This event has closed


I completed the Brighton Marathon on Sunday 10th April 2011 in 6 hours 9 minutes - this was my first marathon. I ran in memory of my Grandaughter Mariah who passed away through Meningitis Thank you to all of you who have donated on my just giving website and for those of you who still wish to donate please visit justgiving.comhelen-hancorn Thank you x


Training Update

11th January 2011
I am working hard in training for the Marathon. On Sunday 9th January I ran 9 miles, listening to my i-pod helped. Thank you to my son Connor for buying me this for Christmas, and thank you to his girlfriend Hannah for downloading all my favourite songs to listen to. One of my favourite tracks is Pink Floyd - Comfortably numb. I am training four times a week now. Monday wednesday and friday in the gym on the treadmill for 45 mins and increasing the run outside week on week on Sundays.

Brighton Marathon

29th December 2010
On 17th October 2010 I walked the last leg of the annual walk for meningitis from Shoreham to Rottingdean 11 miles in total. Whilst walking I got chatting to my friend and we decided to run the Brighton Marathon for Meningitis. Quite a challenge for me being 2 stone overweight and not mega fit. But I have started training and am determined to complete it raising as much money as possible.